(Fotos: Pixabay, Unsplash)
Jahresmitgliedschaft für Wanderarbeitende

IG BAU is the German Trade Union responsible for all branches of the construction industry and agriculture. We have offices all over Germany. A trade union is an organization that has been formed byworkers. In Germany, each trade unions is responsible for different  branches. Together, we negotiate collective bargaining agreements  which are applicable to  companies or entire branches. Conditions in collective bargaining agreements are always better than those that are legally guaranteed. In addition, we give workers support in case of problems relating to workers rights and civil law. Trade unions finance themselves through membership fees. In this way they remain independent of political parties and employers. Membership is voluntary and employers are never informed.

Annual membership for migrant workers begins at the moment of the payment of the membership fee and ends after twelve months automatically unless it is renewed.

The annual membership fee is collected for 12 months in advance.

Membership fee
The annual membership fee amounts to the following:

  • In the construction industry from July 1, 2024 207,00 Euro
  • In the agricultural sector from January 1, 2025 186,00 Euro


 As member of IG BAU you get the following benefits:

  • Immediate protection of employment and social rights in Germany.
  • Advice and information.
  • Strike support.
  • Liability and damage compensation protection for damages e. g. to vehicles and equipment in the course of services from the  collective agreement with GUV/Fakulta.
  • Information on important changes  in the legal position or on labour disputes – in the native language if available.

...and much more.

Central telephone number for information in English: 0049 391 4085-105


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Neuer Code

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* Pflichtangabe
online registration

Useful information in English

Leaflet about the annual membership for migrant workers.

Web app for migrant workers in agriculture (with informations about Corona, health, emergency numbers).